Spring Festival - Time Odds Blitz
- Date
- Sunday, March 16, 2025
- Event Format
- 5 double round swiss
- Time Control
- G/5 d0
- Sections
- One section
- Entry Fee
- $10, $15 for non-BCF members
- Registration
- Registration ends at 5:45pm
- Round Times
- First round 6:00pm, subsequent rounds ASAP
- Description
- Games are not rated.
Starting clock times will be adjusted up to 9min vs 1min based on player ratings (30 seconds for each 100 points of rating difference).
For example, a 2000-rated player vs. a 2100-rated player will start with 5:30 vs. 4:30 on the clock. Similarly, 1900 vs. 2100 will be 6:00 vs. 4:00, etc. Players will never start with more than 9 minutes or less than 1 minute. - Register Online Now
- Entry List
Need to withdraw or take a bye? Email td@boylstonchess.org at least 30 minutes before the round.
For parking and transportation info, please visit Parking and Public Transit.
If the metal gate to the building is locked, please press the doorbell marked #1