Summer Training Clinic I

Monday July 11 through Thursday July 14
Event Format
Scholastic clinic
Entry Fee
$199 before July 1, then $249
Round Times
9am - 12:30 pm, July 11 - July 14
Chess clinic led by NM/LM Ilya Krasik. For advanced beginners and intermediate players (U1500). E-mail instructor to see if your child would be a good fit for this clinic. (

Ilya Krasik is an experienced instructor, life master, and founder and head coach of N.E. Chess School, and Manage of Boston Blitz, part of the United States Chess League. He has taught chess professionally for 13 years. recognized for outstanding achievement by RI Senate, 2011 for coaching many juniors to state titles, some of whom are already National Masters themselves. Coach of the Cabot School's state title winning team in March 2016 Hurvitz Cup.

Clinics will be both serious and fun. Students will get homework and before/after personal evaluation. Tactics, Strategy, Openings, Middlegame, and Endgame strategy. Bughouse, Blitz challenges/tournaments, history of modern chess. Prizes and much more.

BCF membership required (for juniors $120/year or $67 for six months; for families $180/year or $100 for six months)

Registration is now closed, please register at the tournament.
Entry List

Need to withdraw or take a bye? Email at least 30 minutes before the round.

For parking and transportation info, please visit Parking and Public Transit.

If the metal gate to the building is locked, please press the doorbell marked #1

Please see our tournament policies for more information.