Round 4 Pairings – September Thursday Night Swiss

Please note that pairings are tentative and subject to change before the start of the round.

1 Stephen Gradijan (1850 2.5) Paul Mishkin (1800 2.5)
2 ANDREW HOY (2241 2.0) Zachary Sylvane (1280 2.0)
3 Joe Ray (1554 2.0) Adrian Acuna (unr. 2.0)
4 Brian Rowntree (unr. 1.5) Michael Bernier (1367 1.5)
5 Daniel Paley (1362 1.5) ANNABELLE ZHANG (777 1.5)
6 Rufus Behr (1437 1.0) Arnold Joseph (1230 1.0)
7 Anish Saravanan (1325 1.0) Latanya Sweeney (774 1.0)
8 Nathan Dodson (960 0.5) Thomas Sifter (1500 0.5)
 1 Geoffrey Blomerth (1014 0.0) BYE
 ½ Camden Wagner (1893 2.5) BYE