BCC 15|0 RATED #1

Sunday, June 14, 2020
Event Format
Time Control
Entry Fee
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM at https://www.chess.com/live#t=1258875
Round Times
Round 1 @ 12:15 PM, every Round after ASAP
USCF RATED! Only online USCF ratings will be impacted.

Players must register BOTH at the tournament website chess.com/live#t=1258875 (to be paired) and the BCF website (to pay)

No half-point byes, no reentry after withdrawal.

Rating with USCF will be delayed by 72 hours after the completion of the tournament to give chess.com time to ensure Fair Play was observed in all games.

Attendance on Zoom during any Online Rated tournament is REQUIRED to ensure Fair Play by all participants. Videos must be ON. Additionally, players must share their screens while on Zoom to show their games in progress to the Tournament Director. (Alternatively, you may use your Zoom camera to show directly your computer screen with the game in progress so the TD can watch it.)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 840 5595 7595
Password: 472729

Players must be members of the site "Boylston Chess Club - USCF Rated" on chess.com. To join, a player must fill out and submit this form one time: chess.com/news/view/uscf-member-authentication-9266

Once you have done so, please join the US Chess Members Only Club. After that you will be eligible to play in any USCF-Rated online tournament provided that you maintain a USCF Membership in good standing.

Registration is now closed, please register at the tournament.
Entry List

Need to withdraw or take a bye? Email td@boylstonchess.org at least 30 minutes before the round.

For parking and transportation info, please visit Parking and Public Transit.

If the metal gate to the building is locked, please press the doorbell marked #1